Reverend Simon Holland

Reverend Simon Holland

The Dean of Chichester has overall responsibility for co-ordinating and developing the life of the Cathedral, in order to further its mission and ministry.

 As a member of the Bishop of Chichester's Senior Staff, Bishop's Council and the Diocesan Synod he represents the Cathedral in the Diocese and the county of Sussex.
As head of the Cathedral Foundation and its principal dignitary after the Bishop, he Chairs the Cathedral Chapter, and with it directs the life and work of the Cathedral.

The Dean presides over the College of Canons ensuring that the College is encouraged and enabled to make a full contribution to the life of the Cathedral and exercises leadership in the Cathedral's liturgy, preaching and pastoral care, to develop team working (with both lay and ordained colleagues) in its ministry, and is personally committed to its pattern of daily prayer.

The Dean ensures that the Constitution and Statutes are faithfully observed together with Chapter and has oversight of the Cathedral's development. He takes the lead in securing funds for a secure, stable and financially independent future for the Cathedral, including staff, finance, compliance and the care of the fabric.

The Reverend Canon Simon Holland is the Cathedral’s Interim Dean. Simon has been the Vicar of Chichester Saint Paul and Westhampnett Saint Peter since 2012 and until recently was the College of Canons representative on the Cathedral’s Chapter. 

Simon’s appointment will enable a sense of continuity and flourishing at the Cathedral until a permanent successor to the Dean can be appointed.

Simon was installed at a service of Evensong on Sunday 30th  April 2023.