Chichester950 | Together in Unity

A concert on the 60th anniversary of Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms, including the unveiling of a new musical composition.

Join us for an extraordinary evening celebrating the 60th anniversary of Leonard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms, as Chichester Cathedral celebrates its 950th anniversary. 

Originally commissioned for the Southern Cathedrals Festival in 1965, this iconic work will be performed by Chichester Cathedral Choir in its exquisite arrangement for harp, organ, and percussion, under the direction of Charles Harrison.

The programme also features a world premiere by an acclaimed composer. The newly commissioned piece, inspired by Psalm 133 ("Behold how good and joyful a thing it is, brethren, to dwell together in unity"), will beautifully complement Bernstein’s masterpiece, and will be performed alongside other choral favourites.

Tickets for Together in Unity are on sale from Friday 14th February.


To celebrate 950 years of religious, cultural, and civic life across the City, District, and Counties, the Diocese and Cathedral have curated a diverse program of events taking place in 2025. 


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