Licensing of the Reverend Canon Bruce Ruddock as Custos of St Mary's Hospital

In this service of Choral Evensong, the Reverend Canon Bruce Ruddock will be licensed by the Bishop of Chichester as the new Custos (Chaplain) of St Mary's Hospital, Chichester. Alongside this role Bruce will also act as Chaplain at the Cathedral.

The service is sung by the Cathedral Choir, and will be followed by refreshments in the South Transept.

St Mary's Hospital, Chichester

St Mary's Hospital is a remarkable surviving example of a 13th Century hospital, still in use today as a Christian foundation which provides a home for up to 30 residents.

Residents are encouraged to live independent lives, and are cared for and supported by the staff consisting of the Warden, Bailiff and Custos (Chaplain).