An update on the duties of our Canons

2nd Aug 2023
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Following a review of the Canons’ responsibilities in recent months, the Bishop of Chichester has agreed to the Chapter’s recommendation that the Reverend Canon Dr Jack Dunn and the Reverend Canon Dr Daniel Inman should exchange their roles as Precentor and Chancellor and that the Reverend Canon Vanessa Baron should move into a full-time stipendiary role as Canon Treasurer.

As a result of these changes, Dr Dunn, as Chancellor, will assist Chapter in its Governance responsibilities and in the strategic management of the Cathedral and will work closely with the Communar to oversee the Cathedral’s adoption of the Cathedral Measure 2021 and its transition to becoming a registered charity. He will continue to have oversight of the Cathedral’s ministry to children, families and young people and its work with schools, and he will further develop the Cathedral’s relationships with key stakeholders and networks, including diocesan, civic and third sector partners. He will take on operational responsibility for safeguarding in the Cathedral; he will continue as a Trustee of St Mary’s Hospital; and he will continue to help to lead the Diocese of Chichester’s Church Growth programme.

Canon Inman takes longer term oversight of the Cathedral’s liturgy and music on behalf of Chapter, including the pastoral care of the Choir and its families; Cathedral retreats at George Bell House; the provision of adult education and exhibitions; and the Cathedral’s relationship to the University of Chichester as a Governor and Visiting Fellow. In this new role, Canon Inman will also continue to be Librarian and play a leading role in the development of the Chichester Workshop for Liturgical Art as a pioneering international centre for the production and teaching (practical and theological) of the full range of Christian iconography.

Canon Baron continues in her role as Treasurer to oversee the Cathedral’s care of its fabric.  She will continue to head up the Cathedral’s conservation strategies and play a leading role in the Cathedral’s Net Zero target and oversight of Health and Safety. She has responsibility for the interpretation of the fabric, the historic collections and archives. She will maintain strategic oversight of pastoral care and the Day Chaplains and have Chapter oversight of Safeguarding. She will remain Chapter’s representative Trustee for CCEL and the Restoration and Development Trust. Canon Baron will move from a House for Duty capacity into a full-time stipendiary role.

Following their Collation and Induction by the Bishop in his Chapel on 26th July 2023, Canon Dunn and Canon Inman will be installed as Chancellor and Precentor respectively at Evensong by the Interim Dean, Canon Simon Holland, on Thursday, 7th September 2023 at 5.30pm. 

2nd Aug 2023
News category