Chichester Cathedral is a hub of heritage and culture, a landmark of Christian faith and teaching which has been at the heart of Chichester for more than 900 years.
We greatly appreciate all the current financial support we receive. And it does not need to stop there – if you include the Cathedral in your will, your support will continue beyond your lifetime, helping to protect the future of Chichester Cathedral for generations to come.
By leaving a gift in your will, your passion can become your legacy – and any gift, however large or small, can really make a difference.
Leaving a gift is a simple and tax efficient way to support the Cathedral. You might like to leave a specific amount, or you could consider a residual gift whereby you firstly take care of your family and other important outgoings, and then leave the remainder, or a share of it, as a charitable bequest.
If you would like to discuss leaving a legacy please contact Alison George at Chichester Cathedral Trust on 01243 812480, or email at
You can download our legacy brochure and legacy pledge form for more information.
Other Useful Information and Links
Advice on making a will.
Advice on tax relief when you leave a gift to a charity.